Saturday, November 21, 2009


Basic Communications Satellite Components

Every communications satellite in its simplest form (whether low earth or geosynchronous) involves the transmission of information from an originating ground station to the satellite (the uplink), followed by a retransmission of the information from the satellite back to the ground (the downlink). The downlink may either be to a select number of ground stations or it may be broadcast to everyone in a large area. Hence the satellite must have a receiver and a receive antenna, a transmitter and a transmit antenna, some method for connecting the uplink to the downlink for retransmission, and prime electrical power to run all of the electronics. The exact nature of these components will differ, depending on the orbit and the system architecture, but every communications satellite must have these basic components.


The amount of power which a satellite transmitter needs to send out depends a great deal on whether it is in low earth orbit or in geosynchronous orbit. This is a result of the fact that the geosynchronous satellite is at an altitude of 22,300 miles, while the low earth satellite is only a few hundred miles. The geosynchronous satellite is nearly 100 times as far away as the low earth satellite. We can show fairly easily that this means the higher satellite would need almost 10,000 times as much power as the low-orbiting one, if everything else were the same. (Fortunately, of course, we change some other things so that we don't need 10,000 times as much power.)
For either geosynchronous or low earth satellites, the power put out by the satellite transmitter is really puny compared to that of a terrestrial radio station. Your favorite rock station probably boasts of having many kilowatts of power. By contrast, a 200 watt transmitter would be very strong for a satellite.

One of the biggest differences between a low earth satellite and a geosynchronous satellite is in their antennas. As mentioned earlier, the geosynchronous satellite would require nearly 10,000 times more transmitter power, if all other components were the same. One of the most straightforward ways to make up the difference, however, is through antenna design. Virtually all antennas in use today radiate energy preferentially in some direction. An antenna used by a commercial terrestrial radio station, for example, is trying to reach people to the north, south, east, and west. However, the commercial station will use an antenna that radiates very little power straight up or straight down. Since they have very few listeners in those directions (except maybe for coal miners and passing airplanes) power sent out in those directions would be totally wasted.The communications satellite carries this principle even further. All of its listeners are located in an even smaller area, and a properly designed antenna will concentrate most of the transmitter power within that area, wasting none in directions where there are no listeners. The easiest way to do this is simply to make the antenna larger. Doubling the diameter of a reflector antenna (a big "dish") will reduce the area of the beam spot to one fourth of what it would be with a smaller reflector. We describe this in terms of the gain of the antenna. Gain simply tells us how much more power will fall on 1 square centimeter (or square meter or square mile) with this antenna than would fall on that same square centimeter (or square meter or square mile) if the transmitter power were spread uniformly (isotropically) over all directions. The larger antenna described above would have four times the gain of the smaller one. This is one of the primary ways that the geosynchronous satellite makes up for the apparently larger transmitter power which it requires.
One other big difference between the geosynchronous antenna and the low earth antenna is the difficulty of meeting the requirement that the satellite antennas always be "pointed" at the earth. For the geosynchronous satellite, of course, it is relatively easy. As seen from the earth station, the satellite never appears to move any significant distance. As seen from the satellite, the earth station never appears to move. We only need to maintain the orientation of the satellite. The low earth orbiting satellite, on the other hand, as seen from the ground is continuously moving. It zooms across our field of view in 5 or 10 minutes.Likewise, the earth station, as seen from the satellite is a moving target. As a result, both the earth station and the satellite need some sort of tracking capability which will allow its antennas to follow the target during the time that it is visible. The only alternative is to make that antenna beam so wide that the intended receiver (or transmitter) is always within it. Of course, making the beam spot larger decreases the antenna gain as the available power is spread over a larger area , which in turn increases the amount of power which the transmitter must provide.
Power Generation
You might wonder why we don't actually use transmitters with thousands of watts of power, like your favorite radio station does. You might also have figured out the answer already. There simply isn't that much power available on the spacecraft. There is no line from the power company to the satellite. The satellite must generate all of its own power. For a communications satellite, that power usually is generated by large solar panels covered with solars cells - just like the ones in your solar-powered calculator. These convert sunlight into electricity. Since there is a practical limit to the how big a solar panel can be, there is also a practical limit to the amount of power which can generated. In addition, unfortunately, transmitters are not very good at converting input power to radiated power so that 1000 watts of power into the transmitter will probably result in only 100 or 150 watts of power being radiated. We say that transmitters are only 10 or 15% efficient. In practice the solar cells on the most "powerful" satellites generate only a few thousand watts of electrical power.Satellites must also be prepared for those periods when the sun is not visible, usually because the earth is passing between the satellite and the sun. This requires that the satellite have batteries on board which can supply the required power for the necessary time and then recharge by the time of the next period of eclipse.

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